WHY are only a limited number of products included?
All of the Inclusion criteria listed below must be satisfied for a product to be listed in this clinical guide:
1. Commercially available in the United States as a dietary supplement or probiotic-containing food
2. Generally Recognized as Safe status (FDA) and/or Natural Product Number (Health Canada) for probiotic strain(s) used in the products
3. Favorable published clinical evidence for the particular strain(s) present in each product/food
4. For products containing multiple strains, the evidence must be for the specified combination and NOT extrapolated from the evidence for the separate probiotic strains
Note: Some products are excluded from the current edition due to changes in strains used
Clinical Pearl: Indications for use are based on specific strains or combinations studied together
Caution: Extrapolation of current data and recommendations to be applied for different combinations of probiotic strains is not permitted.